Source code for

# Copyright 2019 Cisco Systems, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

"""The request module for the ACI Python SDK (cobra)."""

import sys
if sys.version_info[0] == 3:
    from builtins import str
from builtins import object

#from past.builtins import basestring
#from past.builtins import cmp
from import Dn
from .jsoncodec import toJSONStr
from .xmlcodec import toXMLStr

def filterUrl(st):
    return st.replace('+', '%2B')

[docs]class AbstractRequest(object): """ AbstractRequest is the base class for all other request types, including AbstractQuery, ConfigRequest, UploadPackage, LoginRequest and RefreshRequest """
[docs] def __init__(self): self.__options = {} = None self.__uriBase = ""
[docs] @classmethod def makeOptions(cls, options): """ Returns a string containing the concatenated values of all key/value pairs for the options defined in dict options """ optionStr = '' if options: options = ['%s=%s' % (n, str(v)) if v else None for n, v in list(options.items())] optionStr += '&'.join([_f for _f in options if _f]) return optionStr
def getUriPathAndOptions(self, session): return "%s.%s%s%s" % (self.uriBase, session.formatStr, '?' if self.options else '', filterUrl(self.options)) @property def options(self): """ Return the HTTP request query string string for this object """ return AbstractRequest.makeOptions(self.__options) # property setters / getters for this class @property def id(self): """ Returns the id of this query if set, else None """ return self.__options.get('_dc', None) @id.setter def id(self, value): """ Sets the id of this query. The id is an internal troubleshooting value useful for tracing the processing of a request within the cluster """ self.__options['_dc'] = value @property def uriBase(self): return self.__uriBase @uriBase.setter def uriBase(self, value): self.__uriBase = value
[docs] def getUrl(self, session): """ Returns the dn query URL containing all the query options defined on this object """ return session.url + self.getUriPathAndOptions(session)
class CheckRequestStateQuery(AbstractRequest): """ Class representing a check request state query, used to query the state of a request in progress """ def __init__(self): super(CheckRequestStateQuery, self).__init__() self.__options = {} self.uriBase = '/api/checkRequestState' @property def options(self): """ Returns the concatenation of the class and base class options for HTTP request query string """ return '&'.join([_f for _f in [AbstractRequest.makeOptions( self.__options), super(CheckRequestStateQuery, self).options] if _f]) # property setters / getters for this class @property def requestId(self): """ Returns the current requestId filter """ return self.__options.get('id', None) @requestId.setter def requestId(self, value): """ Sets the request id to query """ self.__options['id'] = value class DeploymentQuery(AbstractRequest): """ Class to create a deployment query to find the impacted deployment entities for changes in specific dn. """ def __init__(self, dn): """ Args: dnStr (str): DN to query """ super(DeploymentQuery, self).__init__() self.__dnStr = str(dn) self.__options = {'rsp-subtree-include': 'full-deployment'} self.uriBase = "/api/mo/%s" % self.__dnStr @property def options(self): """ Returns the concatenation of the class and base class options for HTTP request query string """ return '&'.join([_f for _f in [AbstractRequest.makeOptions( self.__options), super(DeploymentQuery, self).options] if _f]) # property setters / getters for this class @property def dnStr(self): """ Returns the base dnString for this DnQuery """ return self.__dnStr @property def targetNode(self): """ Returns the node specific information """ return self.__options.get('target-node', None) @targetNode.setter def targetNode(self, value): """ Args: value (int): id of the node """ self.__options['target-node'] = value @property def targetPath(self): """ Returns the path selected for the query """ return self.__options.get('target-path', None) @targetNode.setter def targetPath(self, value): """ Args: value (str): specific target path for this query """ self.__options['target-path'] = value @property def includeRelations(self): """ Returns the path selected for the query """ return self.__options.get('include-relns', None) @includeRelations.setter def includeRelations(self, value): """ Args: value (str): specific target path for this query """ value = 'yes' if value else 'no' self.__options['include-relns'] = value
[docs]class AbstractQuery(AbstractRequest): """ Class representing an abstract query. The class is used by classQuery and Dnquery. """
[docs] def __init__(self): super(AbstractQuery, self).__init__() self.__options = {}
@property def options(self): """ Returns the concatenation of the class and base class options for HTTP request query string """ return '&'.join([_f for _f in [AbstractRequest.makeOptions( self.__options), super(AbstractQuery, self).options] if _f]) # property setters / getters for this class @property def propInclude(self): """ Returns the current response property include filter """ return self.__options.get('rsp-prop-include', None) @propInclude.setter def propInclude(self, value): """ Filters that can specify the properties that should be included in the response body """ allowedValues = ['all', 'naming-only', 'config-explicit', 'config-all', 'config-only', 'oper'] if value not in allowedValues: raise ValueError('"%s" is invalid, valid values are "%s"' % (value, str(allowedValues))) self.__options['rsp-prop-include'] = value @property def subtreePropFilter(self): """ Returns the subtree prop filter. """ return self.__options.get('rsp-subtree-filter', None) @subtreePropFilter.setter def subtreePropFilter(self, pFilter): """ Returns the subtree prop filter. """ self.__options['rsp-subtree-filter'] = str(pFilter) @property def subtreeClassFilter(self): """ Returns the current subtree class filter. """ return self.__options.get('rsp-subtree-class', None) @subtreeClassFilter.setter def subtreeClassFilter(self, value): """ Returns the children of a single class. """ if isinstance(value, list): value = ','.join(value) self.__options['rsp-subtree-class'] = value @property def subtreeInclude(self): """ Returns the current subtree query values. """ return self.__options.get('rsp-subtree-include', None) @subtreeInclude.setter def subtreeInclude(self, value): """ Specifies optional values for a subtree query, including: *audit-logs *event-logs *faults *fault-records *ep-records *health *health-records *relations *stats *tasks *count *no-scoped *required *subtree """ allowedValues = {'audit-logs', 'event-logs', 'faults', 'fault-records', 'ep-records', 'health', 'health-records', 'deployment-records', 'relations', 'stats', 'tasks', 'count', 'no-scoped', 'required', 'subtree'} allValues = value.split(',') for v in allValues: if v not in allowedValues: raise ValueError('"%s" is invalid, valid values are "%s"' % (value, str(allowedValues))) self.__options['rsp-subtree-include'] = value @property def queryTarget(self): """ Returns the query type. """ return self.__options.get('query-target', None) @queryTarget.setter def queryTarget(self, value): """ Sets the query type. You can query the object (self), child objects (children), or all objects lower in the heirarchy (subtree). """ allowedValues = {'self', 'children', 'subtree'} if value not in allowedValues: raise ValueError('"%s" is invalid, valid values are "%s"' % (value, str(allowedValues))) self.__options['query-target'] = value @property def classFilter(self): """ Returns the current class filter type. """ return self.__options.get('target-subtree-class', None) @classFilter.setter def classFilter(self, value): """ Filters by a specified class. """ if not isinstance(value, list): value = value.split(',') value = [name.replace('.', '') for name in value] value = ','.join(value) self.__options['target-subtree-class'] = value @property def propFilter(self): """ Returns the current property filter type. """ return self.__options.get('query-target-filter', None) @propFilter.setter def propFilter(self, pFilter): """ Filters by a specified property value. """ self.__options['query-target-filter'] = str(pFilter) @property def subtree(self): """ Returns the current type of subtree filter. """ return self.__options.get('rsp-subtree', None) @subtree.setter def subtree(self, value): """ Filters query values within a subtree- you can filter by MOs (children) or return the entire subtree (full). """ allowedValues = {'no', 'children', 'full'} if value not in allowedValues: raise ValueError('"%s" is invalid, valid values are "%s"' % (value, str(allowedValues))) self.__options['rsp-subtree'] = value @property def replica(self): """ Returns the current value for the replica option. """ return self.__options.get('replica', None) @replica.setter def replica(self, value): """ Direct the query to a specific replica """ allowedValues = set([1, 2, 3]) if value not in allowedValues: raise ValueError('"%s" is invalid, valid values are "%s"' % (value, str(allowedValues))) self.__options['replica'] = value @property def orderBy(self): """Get the orderBy sort specifiers string. Returns: str: The order-by string of sort specifiers. """ return self.__options.get('order-by', None) @orderBy.setter def orderBy(self, sortSpecifiers): """Set the orderBy sort specifiers. Args: sortSpecifiers (str or list of str): A list of sort specifier strings or a comma separated string of sort specifiers. """ if isinstance(sortSpecifiers, list): sortSpecifiers = ','.join(sortSpecifiers) self.__options['order-by'] = sortSpecifiers @property def pageSize(self): """Get the pageSize value. Returns: int: The number of results to be returned by a query. """ return self.__options.get('page-size', None) @pageSize.setter def pageSize(self, pageSize): """Set the pageSize value. Args: pageSize (int): The number of results to be returned by a query. """ try: numVal = int(pageSize) except: raise ValueError('{} pageSize needs to be an integer'.format(pageSize)) self.__options['page-size'] = str(numVal) @property def page(self): """Get the page value. Returns: int: The number of the page returned in the query. """ return self.__options.get('page', None) @page.setter def page(self, value): """Set the page value. Args: page (int): The position in the query which should be retrieved. """ try: numVal = int(value) except: raise ValueError('{} page needs to be an integer'.format(value)) self.__options['page'] = str(numVal) @property def cacheId(self): return self.__options.get('cache-session', None) @cacheId.setter def cacheId(self, value): if value is None and 'cache-session' in self.__options: del self.__options['cache-session'] return try: numVal = int(value) except: raise ValueError('{} cache id needs to be an integer'.format(value)) self.__options['cache-session'] = str(numVal) @property def deleteCacheId(self): return self.__options.get('delete-session', None) @deleteCacheId.setter def deleteCacheId(self, value): try: numVal = int(value) except: raise ValueError('{} delete cache id needs to be an integer'.format(value)) self.__options['delete-session'] = str(numVal)
[docs]class DnQuery(AbstractQuery): """ Class to create a query based on distinguished name (Dn). """
[docs] def __init__(self, dn): """ Args: dnStr (str): DN to query """ super(DnQuery, self).__init__() self.__dnStr = str(dn) self.__options = {} self.uriBase = "/api/mo/{0}".format(self.__dnStr)
@property def options(self): """ Returns the concatenation of the class and base class options for HTTP request query string """ return '&'.join([_f for _f in [AbstractRequest.makeOptions( self.__options), super(DnQuery, self).options] if _f]) # property setters / getters for this class @property def dnStr(self): """ Returns the base dnString for this DnQuery """ return self.__dnStr
[docs] def __hash__(self): url = '{0}/{1}'.format(self.__dnStr, self.options) return hash(url)
# def __cmp__(self, other): # thisUrl = '{0}/{1}'.format(self.__dnStr, self.options) # otherUrl = '{0}/{1}'.format(other.dnStr, other.options) # return cmp(thisUrl, otherUrl)
[docs] def __lt__(self, other): """Implement <.""" thisUrl = '{0}/{1}'.format(self.__dnStr, self.options) otherUrl = '{0}/{1}'.format(other.dnStr, other.options) return thisUrl < otherUrl
[docs] def __le__(self, other): """Implement <=.""" thisUrl = '{0}/{1}'.format(self.__dnStr, self.options) otherUrl = '{0}/{1}'.format(other.dnStr, other.options) return thisUrl <= otherUrl
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): """Implement ==.""" thisUrl = '{0}/{1}'.format(self.__dnStr, self.options) otherUrl = '{0}/{1}'.format(other.dnStr, other.options) return thisUrl == otherUrl
[docs] def __ne__(self, other): """Implement !=.""" thisUrl = '{0}/{1}'.format(self.__dnStr, self.options) otherUrl = '{0}/{1}'.format(other.dnStr, other.options) return thisUrl != otherUrl
[docs] def __gt__(self, other): """Implement >.""" thisUrl = '{0}/{1}'.format(self.__dnStr, self.options) otherUrl = '{0}/{1}'.format(other.dnStr, other.options) return thisUrl > otherUrl
[docs] def __ge__(self, other): """Implement >=.""" thisUrl = '{0}/{1}'.format(self.__dnStr, self.options) otherUrl = '{0}/{1}'.format(other.dnStr, other.options) return thisUrl >= otherUrl
[docs]class ClassQuery(AbstractQuery): """ Class to create a query based on object class. """
[docs] def __init__(self, className): super(ClassQuery, self).__init__() self.__className = className.replace('.', '') self.__options = {} self.uriBase = "/api/class/{0}".format(self.className)
@property def options(self): """ Returns the concatenation of the class and base class options for HTTP request query string """ return '&'.join([_f for _f in [AbstractRequest.makeOptions( self.__options), super(ClassQuery, self).options] if _f]) # property setters / getters for this class @property def className(self): """ Returns the className targeted by this ClassQuery """ return self.__className
[docs] def __hash__(self): url = '{0}/{1}'.format(self.__className, self.options) return hash(url)
# def __cmp__(self, other): # thisUrl = '{0}/{1}'.format(self.__className, self.options) # otherUrl = '{0}/{1}'.format(other.className, other.options) # return cmp(thisUrl, otherUrl)
[docs] def __lt__(self, other): """Implement <.""" thisUrl = '{0}/{1}'.format(self.__className, self.options) otherUrl = '{0}/{1}'.format(other.className, other.options) return thisUrl < otherUrl
[docs] def __le__(self, other): """Implement <=.""" thisUrl = '{0}/{1}'.format(self.__className, self.options) otherUrl = '{0}/{1}'.format(other.className, other.options) return thisUrl <= otherUrl
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): """Implement ==.""" thisUrl = '{0}/{1}'.format(self.__className, self.options) otherUrl = '{0}/{1}'.format(other.className, other.options) return thisUrl == otherUrl
[docs] def __ne__(self, other): """Implement !=.""" thisUrl = '{0}/{1}'.format(self.__className, self.options) otherUrl = '{0}/{1}'.format(other.className, other.options) return thisUrl != otherUrl
[docs] def __gt__(self, other): """Implement >.""" thisUrl = '{0}/{1}'.format(self.__className, self.options) otherUrl = '{0}/{1}'.format(other.className, other.options) return thisUrl > otherUrl
[docs] def __ge__(self, other): """Implement >=.""" thisUrl = '{0}/{1}'.format(self.__className, self.options) otherUrl = '{0}/{1}'.format(other.className, other.options) return thisUrl >= otherUrl
[docs]class TraceQuery(AbstractQuery): """ Class to create a trace query using base Dn and targetClass """
[docs] def __init__(self, dn, targetClass): super(TraceQuery, self).__init__() self.__options = {} self.__dnStr = str(dn) self.targetClass = targetClass self.uriBase = "/api/trace/%s" % self.dnStr
@property def options(self): """ Returns the concatenation of the class and base class options for HTTP request query string """ return '&'.join([_f for _f in [AbstractRequest.makeOptions( self.__options), super(TraceQuery, self).options] if _f]) # property setters / getters for this class @property def targetClass(self): """ Returns the target class """ return self.__options.get('target-class', None) @targetClass.setter def targetClass(self, value): """ Sets the targetClass for this traceQuery """ self.__options['target-class'] = value.replace('.', '') @property def dnStr(self): """ Returns the base dnString for this DnQuery """ return self.__dnStr
[docs]class TagsRequest(AbstractRequest): """ Tags request to add or remove tags for a Dn. """
[docs] def __init__(self, dn, add=None, remove=None): """ :param dn: The Dn to do the Tags request against :type dn: or str :param add: The comma separated string or list of tags to add :type add: str or list :param remove: The comma separated string or list of tags to remove :type remove: str or list """ self.__options = {} super(TagsRequest, self).__init__() self.__dnStr = str(dn) self.uriBase = "/api/tag/mo/%s" % self.__dnStr self.add = [] if add is None else add self.remove = [] if remove is None else remove
@property def data(self): return str({}) @property def options(self): """ :returns: The url options string with & prepended :rtype: str """ return '&'.join([_f for _f in [AbstractRequest.makeOptions( self.__options), super(TagsRequest, self).options] if _f]) @property def dnStr(self): """ :returns: The Dn string for this request :rtype: str """ return self.__dnStr @property def remove(self): """ Tags that will be removed for this TagsRequest :returns: String form of the tags, comma separated :rtype: str """ return self.__options['remove'] @remove.setter def remove(self, tags): tags = self._get_tags_string(tags) self.__options['remove'] = tags @property def add(self): """ Tags that will be added for this TagsRequest :returns: String form of the tags, comma separated :rtype: str """ return self.__options['add'] @add.setter def add(self, tags): tags = self._get_tags_string(tags) self.__options['add'] = tags def requestargs(self, session): uriPathandOptions = self.getUriPathAndOptions(session) headers = session.getHeaders(uriPathandOptions, kwargs = { 'headers': headers, 'verify':, 'timeout': session.timeout, 'data': } return kwargs @staticmethod def _get_tags_string(value): if isinstance(value, list): value = ','.join(value) elif not isinstance(value, str): # # TODO: PYTHON 3 TIMEBOMB basestring ## raise ValueError("add or remove should be a list or a string " + "{0}".format(type(value))) return value
# Aliases are not supported at FCS. This is added for testing only and not # documented on purpose class AliasRequest(AbstractRequest): def __init__(self, dn, alias=None): self.__options = {} super(AliasRequest, self).__init__() self.__dnStr = str(dn) self.uriBase = "/api/alias/mo/%s" % self.__dnStr self.alias = alias @property def data(self): return str({}) @property def options(self): return '&'.join([_f for _f in [AbstractRequest.makeOptions( self.__options), super(AliasRequest, self).options] if _f]) @property def dnStr(self): return self.__dnStr def clear(self): self.__options['set'] = "" self.__options['clear'] = "yes" @property def alias(self): return self.__options['set'] @alias.setter def alias(self, value): if value is None or value == "": self.__options['clear'] = "yes" else: self.__options['clear'] = "" self.__options['set'] = value def requestargs(self, session): uriPathandOptions = self.getUriPathAndOptions(session) headers = session.getHeaders(uriPathandOptions, kwargs = { 'headers': headers, 'verify':, 'timeout': session.timeout, 'data': } return kwargs
[docs]class ConfigRequest(AbstractRequest): """ Class to handle configuration requests. The commit function uses this class. """
[docs] def __init__(self): super(ConfigRequest, self).__init__() self.__options = {} self.__ctxRoot = None self.__configMos = {} self.__rootMo = None self.uriBase = "/api/mo"
@property def options(self): """ Returns the concatenation of the class and base class options for HTTP request query string """ return '&'.join([_f for _f in [AbstractRequest.makeOptions( self.__options), super(ConfigRequest, self).options] if _f]) @property def data(self): if self.getRootMo() is None: raise CommitError(0, "No mos in config request") return toJSONStr(self.getRootMo()) @property def xmldata(self): if self.getRootMo() is None: raise CommitError(0, "No mos in config request") return toXMLStr(self.getRootMo()) def requestargs(self, session): uriPathandOptions = self.getUriPathAndOptions(session) data = self.xmldata if session.formatStr == 'xml' else headers = session.getHeaders(uriPathandOptions, data) kwargs = { 'headers': headers, 'verify':, 'timeout': session.timeout, 'data': str(data) } return kwargs
[docs] def addMo(self, mo): """ Adds a managed object (MO) to the configuration. """ self.__configMos[mo.dn] = mo self.__rootMo = None
[docs] def removeMo(self, mo): """ Removes a managed object (MO) from the configuration. """ del self.__configMos[mo.dn] self.__rootMo = None if len(self.__configMos) == 0: self.__ctxRoot = None
[docs] def hasMo(self, dn): """ Verifies whether managed object (MO) is present in an uncommitted configuration. """ return dn in self.__configMos
@property def configMos(self): mos = [mo for mo in list(self.__configMos.values())] mos.sort(key=lambda xmo: str(xmo.dn), reverse=True) return mos def getRootMo(self): def addDescendantMo(rMo, descendantMo): rDn = rMo.dn descendantDn = descendantMo.dn parentDn = descendantDn.getParent() ConfigRequest.__getMoForDnInFlatTree(descendantDn, flatTreeDict, descendantMo) while rDn != parentDn: # This is a descendant. make the parent mo parentMo = ConfigRequest.__getMoForDnInFlatTree(parentDn, flatTreeDict) parentMo._attachChild(descendantMo) descendantMo = parentMo parentDn = parentDn.getParent() rMo._attachChild(descendantMo) if self.__rootMo: return self.__rootMo if not self.__configMos: return None # This dict stores all entries added to the tree. Fast lookups flatTreeDict = {} dns = list(self.__configMos.keys()) rootDn = Dn.findCommonParent(dns) configMos = dict(self.__configMos) # Check if the the root is in the list of MOs to be configure. # If it is there, remove it, else create a new MO, but in any case # add the MO to the flat tree dictionary for further lookups. rootMo = configMos.pop(rootDn) if rootDn in configMos else None rootMo = ConfigRequest.__getMoForDnInFlatTree(rootDn, flatTreeDict, rootMo) # Add the rest of the mos to the root. childMos = sorted(list(configMos.values()), key=lambda x: x.dn) for childMo in childMos: addDescendantMo(rootMo, childMo) self.__rootMo = rootMo return rootMo def getUriPathAndOptions(self, session): rootMo = self.getRootMo() if rootMo is None: raise CommitError(0, "No mos in config request") dnStr = str(rootMo.dn) return "%s/%s.%s%s%s" % (self.uriBase, dnStr, session.formatStr, '?' if self.options else '', self.options) @staticmethod def __getMoForDnInFlatTree(dn, flatTree, mo=None): """Check if dn is in a dictionary, create-new/use mo if is not found. This method lookup for the given dn in a tree, if there is not any entry for that dn, it use the given mo or it creates a new mo. """ return flatTree.setdefault(dn, mo if mo else ConfigRequest.__makeMoFromDn(dn)) @staticmethod def __makeMoFromDn(dn): klass = dn.moClass namingVals = list(dn.rn().namingVals) pDn = dn.getParent() return klass(pDn, *namingVals) # property setters / getters for this class @property def subtree(self): """ Returns the current type of subtree filter. """ return self.__options.get('rsp-subtree', None) @subtree.setter def subtree(self, value): """ Filters Mo values returned by the ConfigRequest. This can be the full tree of objects under the top level, just the modified attributes or none (default) """ allowedValues = {'no', 'full', 'modified'} if value not in allowedValues: raise ValueError('"%s" is invalid, valid values are "%s"' % (value, str(allowedValues))) self.__options['rsp-subtree'] = value
class MultiQuery(AbstractQuery): """ Class to create a MultiQuery """ def __init__(self, target): super(MultiQuery, self).__init__() self.__options = {} self.__target = target self.uriBase = "/mqapi2/%s" % @property def options(self): """ Returns the concatenation of the class and base class options for HTTP request query string """ return '&'.join([_f for _f in [AbstractRequest.makeOptions( self.__options), super(MultiQuery, self).options] if _f]) # property setters / getters for this class @property def target(self): """ Returns the target for this MultiQuery """ return self.__target class TroubleshootingQuery(MultiQuery): """ Class to create a troubleshooting query """ def __init__(self, target): super(TroubleshootingQuery, self).__init__('troubleshoot.%s' % target) self.__options = {} @property def options(self): """ Returns the concatenation of the class and base class options for HTTP request query string """ return '&'.join([_f for _f in [AbstractRequest.makeOptions( self.__options), super(TroubleshootingQuery, self).options] if _f]) @property def mode(self): """ Returns the troubleshooting mode. """ return self.__options.get('mode', None) @mode.setter def mode(self, value): """ Sets the troubleshooting mode. """ allowedValues = {'createsession', 'modifysession', 'deletesession', 'getsessionslist', 'interactive', 'generatereport', 'span', 'getreportslist', 'getreportstatus', 'getsessiondetail', 'clearreports', 'atomiccounter', 'traceroute', 'createl2session', 'latency'} if value not in allowedValues: raise ValueError('"%s" is invalid, valid values are "%s"' % (value, str(allowedValues))) self.__options['mode'] = value def setCustomArgument(self, arg, val): self.__options[arg] = val @property def format(self): """ Returns the output format. """ return self.__options.get('format', None) @format.setter def format(self, value): """ Sets the output format. """ allowedValues = {'xml', 'json', 'txt', 'html', 'pdf'} if value not in allowedValues: raise ValueError('"%s" is invalid, valid values are "%s"' % (value, str(allowedValues))) self.__options['format'] = value @property def include(self): """ Returns the result include flags. """ return self.__options.get('include', None) @include.setter def include(self, value): """ Sets the result include flags. """ allowedValues = {'topo', 'services', 'stats', 'faults', 'events', 'audits', 'fault-records', 'contracts', 'deployment-records'} allValues = value.split(',') for v in allValues: if v not in allowedValues: raise ValueError('"%s" is invalid, valid values are "%s"' % (value, str(allowedValues))) self.__options['include'] = value @property def action(self): """ Returns the action flag. """ return self.__options.get('action', None) @include.setter def action(self, value): """ Sets the action flag. """ allowedValues = {'start', 'stop', 'status'} if value not in allowedValues: raise ValueError('"%s" is invalid, valid values are "%s"' % (value, str(allowedValues))) self.__options['action'] = value @property def session(self): """ Returns the session name. """ return self.__options.get('session', None) @session.setter def session(self, value): """ Sets the session name. """ self.__options['session'] = value @property def srcep(self): """ Returns the source endpoint. """ return self.__options.get('srcep', None) @srcep.setter def srcep(self, value): """ Sets the source endpoint. """ self.__options['srcep'] = value @property def dstep(self): """ Returns the destination endpoint. """ return self.__options.get('dstep', None) @dstep.setter def dstep(self, value): """ Sets the destination endpoint. """ self.__options['dstep'] = value @property def srcextip(self): """ Returns the source external ip address. """ return self.__options.get('srcextip', None) @srcextip.setter def srcextip(self, value): """ Sets the source external ip address. """ self.__options['srcextip'] = value @property def dstextip(self): """ Returns the destination external ip address. """ return self.__options.get('dstextip', None) @dstextip.setter def dstextip(self, value): """ Sets the destination external ip address. """ self.__options['dstextip'] = value @property def starttime(self): """ Returns the start time. """ return self.__options.get('starttime', None) @starttime.setter def starttime(self, value): """ Sets the start time. """ self.__options['starttime'] = value @property def endtime(self): """ Returns the end time. """ return self.__options.get('endtime', None) @endtime.setter def endtime(self, value): """ Sets the end time. """ self.__options['endtime'] = value @property def sessionurl(self): """ Returns the sessionurl. """ return self.__options.get('sessionurl', None) @sessionurl.setter def sessionurl(self, value): """ Sets the sessionurl. """ self.__options['sessionurl'] = value @property def scheduler(self): """ Returns the scheduler name. """ return self.__options.get('scheduler', None) @scheduler.setter def scheduler(self, value): """ Sets the scheduler name. """ self.__options['scheduler'] = value class Deployment(MultiQuery): """ Class to create a deployment query """ def __init__(self, target): super(Deployment, self).__init__('deployment.%s' % target) self.__options = {} @property def options(self): """ Returns the concatenation of the class and base class options for HTTP request query string """ return '&'.join([_f for _f in [AbstractRequest.makeOptions( self.__options), super(Deployment, self).options] if _f]) @property def mode(self): """ Returns the deployment query mode. """ return self.__options.get('mode', None) @mode.setter def mode(self, value): """ Sets the deployment query mode. """ """ allowedValues = {} if value not in allowedValues: raise ValueError('"%s" is invalid, valid values are "%s"' % (value, str(allowedValues))) """ self.__options['mode'] = value def setCustomArgument(self, arg, val): self.__options[arg] = val class RestError(Exception): def __init__(self, errorCode, reasonStr, httpCode): self.reason = reasonStr self.error = errorCode self.httpCode = httpCode def __str__(self): return self.reason class CommitError(RestError): def __init__(self, errorCode, reasonStr, httpCode=None): super(CommitError, self).__init__(errorCode, reasonStr, httpCode) class QueryError(RestError): def __init__(self, errorCode, reasonStr, httpCode=None): super(QueryError, self).__init__(errorCode, reasonStr, httpCode)