Getting Started with the Cisco APIC Python API

The following sections describe how to get started when developing with the APIC Python API.

Preparing for Access

A typical APIC Python API program contains the following initial setup statements, which are described in the following sections:

from import MoDirectory
from import LoginSession

Path Settings

If you installed the cobra sdk egg file in the standard python site-packages, the modules are already included in the python path.

If you installed it in a different directory, add the SDK directory to your PYTHONPATH environment variable. You can alternatively use the python sys.path.append method to specify or update a path as shown by any of these examples:

import sys

Connecting and Authenticating

To access the APIC, you must log in with credentials from a valid user account. To make configuration changes, the account must have administrator privileges in the domain in which you will be working. Specify the APIC management IP address and account credentials in the LoginSession object to authenticate to the APIC as shown in this example:

apicUrl = ''
loginSession = LoginSession(apicUrl, 'admin', 'mypassword')
moDir = MoDirectory(loginSession)
# Use the connected moDir queries and configuration...

If multiple AAA login domains are configured, you must prepend the username with “apic:domain\” as in this example:

loginSession = LoginSession(apicUrl, 'apic:CiscoDomain\\admin', 'mypassword')

A successful login returns a reference to a directory object that you will use for further operations. In the implementation of the management information tree (MIT), managed objects (MOs) are represented as directories.

Object Lookup

Use the MoDirectory.lookupByDn to look up an object within the MIT object tree by its distinguished name (DN). This example looks for an object called ‘uni’:

uniMo = moDir.lookupByDn('uni')

A successful lookup operation returns a reference to the object that has the specified DN.

You can also look up an object by class. This example returns a list of all objects of the class ‘polUni’:

uniMo = moDir.lookupByClass('polUni')

You can add a filter to a lookup to find specific objects. This example returns an object of class ‘fvTenant’ whose name is ‘Tenant1’:

tenant1Mo = moDir.lookupByClass("fvTenant", propFilter='and(eq(, "Tenant1"))')

You can also look up an object using the dnquery class or the class query class. For more information, see the Request module.

Object Creation

The following example shows the creation of a tenant object:

from cobra.model.fv import Tenant
fvTenantMo = Tenant(uniMo, 'Tenant1')

In this example, the command creates an object of the fv.Tenant class and returns a reference to the object. The tenant object is named ‘Tenant1’ and is created under an existing ‘uni’ object referenced by ‘uniMo.’ An object can be created only under an object of a parent class to the class of the object being created. See the Cisco APIC Management Information Model Reference to determine the legal parent classes of an object you want to create.

Querying Objects

You can use the MoDirectory.query function to query an object within the APIC configuration, such as an application, tenant, or port. For example:

from import DnQuery
dnQuery = DnQuery(fvTenantMo.dn)
dnQuery.queryTarget = 'children'
childMos = moDir.query(dnQuery)

Committing a Configuration

Use the MoDirectory.commit function to save a new configuration to the mit:

from import ConfigRequest
cfgRequest = ConfigRequest()