Source code for

# Copyright 2019 Cisco Systems, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

"""The session module for the ACI Python SDK (cobra)."""

from __future__ import print_function

import sys
if sys.version_info[0] == 3:
    from builtins import str
from builtins import object

    from OpenSSL.crypto import FILETYPE_PEM, load_privatekey, sign
    inlineSignature = True
except ImportError:
    inlineSignature = False

# Always import these just for tests
import os
import tempfile
import subprocess
# This is used for inline signatures only
import base64
import time
import math

[docs]class AbstractSession(object): XML_FORMAT, JSON_FORMAT = 0, 1
[docs] def __init__(self, controllerUrl, secure, timeout, requestFormat): if requestFormat not in {'xml', 'json'}: raise NotImplementedError("requestFormat should be one of: %s" % {'xml', 'json'}) self.__secure = secure self.__timeout = timeout self.__controllerUrl = controllerUrl if requestFormat == 'xml': self.__format = AbstractSession.XML_FORMAT elif requestFormat == 'json': self.__format = AbstractSession.JSON_FORMAT
@property def secure(self): """ verifies server authenticity """ return self.__secure @property def timeout(self): """ communication timeout for the connection """ return self.__timeout @property def url(self): return self.__controllerUrl @property def formatType(self): return self.__format @property def formatStr(self): return 'xml' if self.__format == AbstractSession.XML_FORMAT else 'json' def login(self): pass def logout(self): pass def refresh(self): pass
class LoginError(Exception): def __init__(self, errorCode, reasonStr): self.error = errorCode self.reason = reasonStr def __str__(self): return self.reason
[docs]class LoginSession(AbstractSession): """ The LoginSession class creates a login session with a username and password """
[docs] def __init__(self, controllerUrl, user, password, secure=False, timeout=90, requestFormat='xml'): """ Args: user (str): Username password (str): Password """ super(LoginSession, self).__init__(controllerUrl, secure, timeout, requestFormat) self._user = user self._password = password self._cookie = None self._challenge = None self._version = None self._refreshTime = None self._refreshTimeoutSeconds = None
@property def user(self): """ Returns the username. """ return self._user @property def password(self): """ Returns the password. """ return self._password @property def cookie(self): """ Authentication cookie for this session """ return self._cookie @cookie.setter def cookie(self, cookie): self._cookie = cookie @property def challenge(self): """ Authentication challenge for this session """ return self._challenge @challenge.setter def challenge(self, challenge): self._challenge = challenge @property def version(self): """ Returns APIC version received from aaaLogin """ return self._version @property def refreshTime(self): """ Returns the relative login refresh time. The session must be refreshed by this time or it times out """ return self._refreshTime @property def refreshTimeoutSeconds(self): """ Returns the number of seconds for which this LoginSession is valid """ return self._refreshTimeoutSeconds def getHeaders(self, uriPathAndOptions, data): headers = {'Cookie': 'APIC-cookie=%s' % self.cookie} if self._challenge: headers['APIC-challenge'] = self._challenge return headers def _parseResponse(self, rsp): # raise HTTPError if response is not ok rsp.raise_for_status() try: rspDict = rsp.json() except ValueError: print('Invalid JSON response: ' + rsp.text) raise data = rspDict.get('imdata', None) if not data: raise LoginError(0, 'Bad Response: ' + str(rsp.text)) firstRecord = data[0] if 'error' in firstRecord: errorDict = firstRecord['error'] reasonStr = errorDict['attributes']['text'] errorCode = errorDict['attributes']['code'] raise LoginError(errorCode, reasonStr) elif 'aaaLogin' in firstRecord: cookie = firstRecord['aaaLogin']['attributes']['token'] refreshTimeoutSeconds = firstRecord['aaaLogin']['attributes']['refreshTimeoutSeconds'] version = firstRecord['aaaLogin']['attributes']['version'] self._cookie = cookie self._version = version self._refreshTime = int(refreshTimeoutSeconds) + math.trunc(time.time()) self._refreshTimeoutSeconds = int(refreshTimeoutSeconds) else: raise LoginError(0, 'Bad Response: ' + str(rsp.text))
[docs]class CertSession(AbstractSession): """ The CertSession class creates a login session using a certificate dn and private key """
[docs] def __init__(self, controllerUrl, certificateDn, privateKey, secure=False, timeout=90, requestFormat='xml'): """ Args: cert (str): Certificate String """ super(CertSession, self).__init__(controllerUrl, secure, timeout, requestFormat) self.__certificateDn = certificateDn self.__privateKey = privateKey
@property def certificateDn(self): """ Returns the certificate dn. """ return self.__certificateDn @property def privateKey(self): """ Returns the private key. """ return self.__privateKey def getHeaders(self, uriPathAndOptions, data): cookie = self._generateSignature(uriPathAndOptions, data) return {'Cookie': cookie} @staticmethod def runCmd(cmd): proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, error = proc.communicate() if proc.returncode != 0: raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(proc.returncode, " ".join(cmd), out) return out @staticmethod def writeFile(fileName=None, mode="w", fileData=None): if fileName is None: return if fileData is None: fileData = "" with open(fileName, mode) as aFile: aFile.write(fileData) @staticmethod def readFile(fileName=None, mode="r"): if fileName is None: return "" with open(fileName, mode) as aFile: fileData = return fileData def _generateSignature(self, uri, data, forceManual=False): # One global that is not changing in the rest of the file is ok global inlineSignature # Added for easier testing of each signature generation method if forceManual: inlineSignature = False privateKeyStr = str(self.privateKey) certDn = str(self.certificateDn) if uri.endswith('?'): uri = uri[:-1] uri = uri.replace('//', '/') if inlineSignature: if data is None: payLoad = 'GET' + uri else: payLoad = 'POST' + uri + data pkey = load_privatekey(FILETYPE_PEM, privateKeyStr) signedDigest = sign(pkey, payLoad.encode(), 'sha256') signature = base64.b64encode(signedDigest).decode() else: tmpFiles = [] tempDir = tempfile.mkdtemp() payloadFile = os.path.join(tempDir, "payload") keyFile = os.path.join(tempDir, "pkey") sigBinFile = keyFile + "_sig.bin" sigBaseFile = keyFile + "_sig.base64" if data is None: self.writeFile(payloadFile, mode="wt", fileData='GET' + uri) else: self.writeFile(payloadFile, mode="wt", fileData='POST' + uri + data) tmpFiles.append(payloadFile) self.writeFile(fileName=keyFile, mode="w", fileData=privateKeyStr) tmpFiles.append(keyFile) cmd = ["openssl", "dgst", "-sha256", "-sign", keyFile, payloadFile] cmd_out = self.runCmd(cmd) self.writeFile(fileName=sigBinFile, mode="wb", fileData=cmd_out) tmpFiles.append(sigBinFile) cmd = ["openssl", "base64", "-in", keyFile + "_sig.bin", "-e", "-out", sigBaseFile] self.runCmd(cmd) tmpFiles.append(sigBaseFile) sigBase64 = self.readFile(fileName=sigBaseFile) signature = "".join(sigBase64.splitlines()) for fileName in tmpFiles: try: os.remove(fileName) except: pass try: os.rmdir(tempDir) except: pass cookieFmt = ("APIC-Request-Signature=%s;" + " APIC-Certificate-Algorithm=v1.0;" + " APIC-Certificate-Fingerprint=fingerprint;" + " APIC-Certificate-DN=%s") return cookieFmt % (signature, certDn)