Session Module

The session module handles tasks that are associated with opening a session to an APIC or Fabric Node.

The session module contains two classes to open sessions with the APIC or Fabric Nodes:

  1. LoginSession - uses a username and password to login
  2. CertSession - uses a private key to generate signatures for every transaction, the user needs to have a X.509 certificate associated with their local user.

The LoginSession is the most robust method allowing access to both the APIC’s and the Fabric Nodes (switches) and can support all methods of RBAC. The CertSession method of generating signatures is limited to only communicating with the APIC and can not support any form of RBAC. One other limitation of CertSession type of sesions is there is no support for eventchannel notifications.

To make changes to the APIC configuration using the Python API, you must use a user with write privileges. When using a LoginSession, once a user is authenticated, the API returns a data structure that includes a session timeout period in seconds and a token that represents the session. The token is also returned as a cookie in the HTTP response header. To maintain your session, you must send login refresh messages to the API within the session timeout period. The token changes each time that the session is refreshed.

The following sections describe the classes in the session module.


Class that abstracts sessions. This is used by LoginSession and CertSession and should not be instantiated directly. Instead use one of the other session classes.

class, secure, timeout, requestFormat)[source]
__init__(controllerUrl, secure, timeout, requestFormat)[source]

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


verifies server authenticity


communication timeout for the connection


Class that creates a login session with a username and password.

Example of using a LoginSession:

from import MoDirectory
from import LoginSession

session = LoginSession('', 'user', 'password', secure=False)
moDir = MoDirectory(session)
allTenants = moDir.lookupByClass('fvTenant')
for tenant in allTenants:
class, user, password, secure=False, timeout=90, requestFormat='xml')[source]

The LoginSession class creates a login session with a username and password

__init__(controllerUrl, user, password, secure=False, timeout=90, requestFormat='xml')[source]
  • user (str) – Username
  • password (str) – Password

Authentication challenge for this session


Authentication cookie for this session


Returns the password.


Returns the relative login refresh time. The session must be refreshed by this time or it times out


Returns the number of seconds for which this LoginSession is valid


Returns the username.


Returns APIC version received from aaaLogin


Class that creates a unique token per URI path based on a signature created by a SSL. Locally this uses a private key to create that signature. On the APIC you have to already have provided a certificate with the users public key via the aaaUserCert class. This uses PyOpenSSL if it is available (install Cobra with the [ssl] option). If PyOpenSSL is not available this will try to fallback to openssl using subprocess and temporary files that should work for most platforms.

Steps to utilize CertSession

  1. Create a local user on the APIC with a X.509 certificate in PEM format
  2. Instantiate a CertSession class with the users certificate Dn and the private key
  3. Make POST/GET requests using the Python SDK

Step 1: Create a local user with X.509 Certificate

The following is an example of how to use the Python SDK to configure a local user with a X.509 certificate. This is a required step and can be completed using the GUI, the REST API or the Python SDK. Once the local user exists and has a X.509 certificate attached to the local user, then the CertSession class can be used for that user.

# Generation of a certificate and private key using the subprocess module to
# make direct calls to openssl at the shell level.  This assumes that
# openssl is installed on the system.

from subprocess import Popen, CalledProcessError, PIPE
from import MoDirectory
from import LoginSession
from import ConfigRequest
from cobra.model.pol import Uni as PolUni
from import UserEp as AaaUserEp
from import User as AaaUser
from import UserDomain as AaaUserDomain
from import UserRole as AaaUserRole
from import UserCert as AaaUserCert

certUser = 'myuser'
pKeyFile = 'myuser.key'
certFile = 'myuser.cert'

# Generate the certificate in the current directory
cmd = ["openssl", "req", "-new", "-newkey", "rsa:1024", "-days", "36500",
       "-nodes", "-x509", "-keyout", pKeyFile, "-out", certFile,
       "-subj", "/CN=Generic/O=Acme/C=US"]
proc = Popen(cmd, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
out, error = proc.communicate()
# If an error occurs, fail
if proc.returncode != 0:
    print("Output: {0}, Error {1}".format(out, error))
    raise CalledProcessError(proc.returncode, " ".join(cmd))

# At this point pKeyFile and certFile exist as files in the local directory.
# pKeyFile will be used when we want to generate signatures.  certFile is
# contains the X.509 certificate (with public key) that needs to be pushed
# to the APIC for a local user.

with open(certFile, "r") as file:
    PEMdata =

# Generate a local user to commit to the APIC
polUni = PolUni('')
aaaUserEp = AaaUserEp(polUni)
aaaUser = AaaUser(aaaUserEp, certUser)
aaaUserDomain = AaaUserDomain(aaaUser, name='all')
# Other aaaUserRoles maybe needed to give the user other privileges
aaaUserRole = AaaUserRole(aaaUserDomain, name='read-all',
# Attach the certificate to that user.
aaaUserCert = AaaUserCert(aaaUser, certUser + '-cert')
# Using the data read in from the certificate file. = PEMdata

# Push the new local user to the APIC
session = LoginSession('', 'admin', 'ins3965!', secure=False)
moDir = MoDirectory(session)
cr = ConfigRequest()

Steps 2 and 3: Instantiate and use a CertSession class

This step requires you know two pieces of information:

  1. The users certificate distinguished name (Dn)
  2. The private key that was created at the time of the certificate

The private key should be kept secret to ensure the highest levels of security for this type of session.

The certificate Dn will be in the form of:


You can also use a aaaUserCert managed object to get this Dn - as in the example below. The following example shows how to query the APIC for all tentants using a CertSession:

from import MoDirectory
from import CertSession
from cobra.model.pol import Uni as PolUni
from import UserEp as AaaUserEp
from import User as AaaUser
from import UserCert as AaaUserCert

certUser = 'myuser'
pKeyFile = 'myuser.key'

# Generate a local user object that matches the one on the APIC
# This is only being used to get the Dn of the user's certificate
polUni = PolUni('')
aaaUserEp = AaaUserEp(polUni)
aaaUser = AaaUser(aaaUserEp, certUser)
# Attach the certificate to that user.
aaaUserCert = AaaUserCert(aaaUser, certUser + '-cert')

# Read in the private key data from a file in the local directory
with open(pKeyFile, "r") as file:
    pKey =

# Instantiate a CertSession using the dn and private key
session = CertSession('', aaaUserCert.dn, pKey, secure=False)
moDir = MoDirectory(session)

# No login is required for certificate based sessions
allTenants = moDir.lookupByClass('fvTenant')
class, certificateDn, privateKey, secure=False, timeout=90, requestFormat='xml')[source]

The CertSession class creates a login session using a certificate dn and private key

__init__(controllerUrl, certificateDn, privateKey, secure=False, timeout=90, requestFormat='xml')[source]
Parameters:cert (str) – Certificate String

Returns the certificate dn.


Returns the private key.