Managed Object (MO) Module

A Managed Object (MO) is an abstract representation of a physical or logical entity that contain a set of configurations and properties, such as a server, processor, or resource pool. The MO module represents MOs.

The APIC system configuration and state are modeled as a collection of managed objects (MOs). For example, servers, chassis, I/O cards, and processors are physical entities represented as MOs; resource pools, user roles, service profiles, and policies are logical entities represented as MOs.

Accessing Properties

When you create a managed object (MO), you can access properties as follows:

userMo = User('uni/userext', 'george')
userMo.firstName = 'George'
userMo.lastName = 'Washington'

Managing Properties

You can use the following methods to manage property changes on a managed object (MO):
  • dirtyProps-Returns modified properties that have not been committed.
  • isPropDirty-Indicates if there are unsaved changes to the MO properties.
  • resetProps-Resets MO properties, discarding uncommitted changes.

Verifying Object Status

You can use the status property to access the status of the Mo.

class, markDirty, *namingVals, **creationProps)[source]

A class to create managed objects (MOs), which represent a physical or logical entity with a set of configurations and properties.


Returns a managed object (MO) attribute.


Return hash(self).

__init__(parentMoOrDn, markDirty, *namingVals, **creationProps)[source]

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

__setattr__(propName, propValue)[source]

Sets a managed object (MO) attribute.


Returns the child managed objects (MOs).


Marks the mo as deleted. If this mo is committed, the corresponding mo in the backend will be deleted.


Returns modified properties that have not been committed.


Returns the distinguished name (Dn) of the managed object (MO).


Returns a value indicating whether a given property has a new value that has not been committed.


Returns the number of child managed objects (MOs).


Returns the parent managed object (MO).


Returns the distinguished name (Dn) of the parent managed object (MO).


Resets managed object (MO) properties, discarding uncommitted changes.


Returns the relative name (Rn) of the managed object (MO).


Returns the managed object (MO) status.