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"""The meta module for the ACI Python SDK (cobra)."""

from builtins import str     # pylint:disable=redefined-builtin
from builtins import next    # pylint:disable=redefined-builtin
from builtins import object  # pylint:disable=redefined-builtin

import importlib

[docs]class Category(object): """Category class for Managed Object (MO) class meta or property meta. Used to classify MOs or MO properties into various categories. The categories are defined in the ACI model package for ever MO property. """
[docs] def __init__(self, name, categoryId): """Initialize a MO property category. Args: name (str): The name of the category categoryId (int): The integer representing the category id """ = name = categoryId # pylint:disable=invalid-name
[docs] def __str__(self): """Implement str().""" return
[docs] def __lt__(self, other): """Implement <.""" if isinstance(other, Category): return < elif isinstance(other, int): return < other elif isinstance(other, str): return str( < other
[docs] def __le__(self, other): """Implement <=.""" if isinstance(other, Category): return <= elif isinstance(other, int): return <= other elif isinstance(other, str): return str( <= other
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): """Implement ==.""" if isinstance(other, Category): return == elif isinstance(other, int): return == other elif isinstance(other, str): return str( == other
[docs] def __ne__(self, other): """Implement !=.""" if isinstance(other, Category): return != elif isinstance(other, int): return != other elif isinstance(other, str): return str( != other
[docs] def __gt__(self, other): """Implement >.""" if isinstance(other, Category): return > elif isinstance(other, int): return > other elif isinstance(other, str): return str( > other
[docs] def __ge__(self, other): """Implement >=.""" if isinstance(other, Category): return >= elif isinstance(other, int): return >= other elif isinstance(other, str): return str( >= other
[docs]class ClassLoader(object): """Import a class by name. A convenience class to import classes from a string containing the class name """
[docs] @classmethod def loadClass(cls, fqClassName): """Load a class from a fully qualified name. Args: fqClassName (str): A fully qualified class name as in package.module.class. For example: cobra.model.pol.Uni Returns: The imported class """ fqClassName = str(fqClassName) moduleName, className = fqClassName.rsplit('.', 1) module = importlib.import_module(moduleName) return getattr(module, className)
# pylint:disable=too-many-instance-attributes
[docs]class ClassMeta(object): """Represents a classes metadata. Attributes: className (str): The class name for the meta moClassName (None or str): The class name for the MO label (str): The label for the class meta category (None or The class category isAbstract (bool): True if the class is abstract, False otherwise isRelation (bool): True if the class is a relationship object, False otherwise isSource (bool): True if the class is a source relationship object, False otherwise isExplicit (bool): True if the object is an explicit relationship, False if the object forms an indirect named relationship isNamed (bool): True if the object is a named source relationship object, False otherwise writeAccessMask (long): The write permissions for this class readAccessMask (long): The read permissions for this class isDomainable (bool): True if the MO is domainable, False otherwise isReadOnly (bool): True if the MO is readonly, False otherwise isConfigurable (bool): True if the MO can be configured, False otherwise isDeletable (bool): True if the MO can be deleted isContextRoot (bool): True if the MO is the context root concreteSubClasses ( A container that keeps track of all the subclasses that are concrete superClasses ( A container that keeps track of all the super classes childClasses ( A container that keeps track of the actual child classes childNamesAndRnPrefix (list of tuples): A list containing tuples where the first element is the child name and the second element is the rn prefix parentClasses ( A container that keeps track of the actual parent classes props ( A container that keeps track of all of the classes properties namingProps (list): A list containing :class:`` for each property that is a naming property. rnFormat (None or str): A string representing the relative name format rnPrefixes (list of tuples): The relative name prefixes where the first element in the tuple is the rn prefix and the second element is a bool where True means the prefix has naming properties and False otherwise. ctxRoot (None or The context root for this class. """
[docs] def __init__(self, className): """Initialize a ClassMeta instance. Args: className (str): The class name for this meta object """ self.className = className self.moClassName = None self.label = None self.category = None self.isAbstract = False self.isRelation = False self.isSource = False self.isExplicit = False self.isNamed = False self.writeAccessMask = 0 self.readAccessMask = 0 self.isDomainable = False self.isReadOnly = False self.isConfigurable = False self.isDeletable = False self.isContextRoot = False self.concreteSubClasses = ClassMeta._ClassContainer() self.superClasses = ClassMeta._ClassContainer() self.childClasses = ClassMeta._ClassContainer() self.childNamesAndRnPrefix = [] self.parentClasses = ClassMeta._ClassContainer() self.props = ClassMeta._PropContainer() self.namingProps = [] self.rnFormat = None self.rnPrefixes = None self.ctxRoot = None
[docs] def getClass(self): """Use the className to import the class for this meta object. Returns: mixed: The imported class for this meta object """ return ClassLoader.loadClass(self.className)
[docs] def hasContextRoot(self): """Check if the meta has a context root. Returns: boo: True if the meta has a context root and False otherwise """ ctxRoot = self.getContextRoot() return ctxRoot and ctxRoot != self
[docs] def getContextRoot(self, pStack=None): """Get the meta's context root. Args: pStack (set): The parent stack Returns: None or The class of the context root """ if pStack is None: pStack = set() if self.isContextRoot: return self elif self.ctxRoot: return self.ctxRoot else: # Search for the context root in the ancestor hierarchy for parent in self.parentClasses: if parent in pStack: continue else: pStack.add(parent) parentMeta = parent.meta ctxRoot = parentMeta.getContextRoot(pStack) if ctxRoot: self.ctxRoot = ctxRoot return ctxRoot return None
class _ClassContainer(object): """A class that defines a container for Mo classes.""" class LazyIter(object): """A class that defines an iterator that has a lazy nature.""" def __init__(self, container): self._container = container self._classNames = iter(container.names) def __next__(self): nextClassName = next(self._classNames) return self._container[nextClassName] def __iter__(self): # pylint:disable=non-iterator-returned return self @property def names(self): """Get the list of class names contained by the class container.""" return list(self._classes.keys()) def add(self, className): """Add a class to the class container. Args: className (str): The name of the class to add to the container. """ self._classes[className] = None def __init__(self): self._classes = {} def __getitem__(self, className): klass = self._classes[className] if not klass: klass = ClassLoader.loadClass(className) self._classes[className] = klass return klass def __contains__(self, className): return className in self._classes def __len__(self): return len(self._classes) def __iter__(self): # pylint:disable=non-iterator-returned # pylint:disable=protected-access return ClassMeta._ClassContainer.LazyIter(self) class _PropContainer(object): """A class that defines a container for Mo properties.""" def __init__(self): self._props = {} def add(self, propName, propMeta): """Add a property to the property container. Args: propName (str): The name of the property. propMeta ( The property meta object. """ self._props[propName] = propMeta @property def names(self): """Get the list of property names. Returns: list: The list of property names in the property container. """ return list(self._props.keys()) def __getitem__(self, propName): return self._props.get(propName, None) def __contains__(self, propName): return propName in self._props def __len__(self): return len(self._props) def __iter__(self): return iter(list(self._props.values())) def __getattr__(self, propName): if propName not in self._props: raise AttributeError('No property %s' % propName) return self._props[propName]
[docs]class SourceRelationMeta(ClassMeta): """The meta data for a source object in a relationship.""" # Cardinality constants ONE_TO_ONE = object() ONE_TO_M = object() N_TO_ONE = object() N_TO_M = object()
[docs] def __init__(self, className, targetClassName): """Initialize a source relationship meta object. Args: className (str): The source Mo class name for the relationship targetClassName (str): The target class name for the relationship """ ClassMeta.__init__(self, className) self.targetClassName = targetClassName self.cardinality = None self.isRelation = True self.isSource = True self.isExplicit = True
[docs] def getTargetClass(self): """Import and returns the target class for a relationship. Returns: The target class """ return ClassLoader.loadClass(self.targetClassName)
[docs]class NamedSourceRelationMeta(SourceRelationMeta): """The meta data for a named source relationship object."""
[docs] def __init__(self, className, targetClassName): """Initialize a named source relationship meta object. Args: className (str): The source Mo class name for the relationship targetClassName (str): The target class name for the relationship """ SourceRelationMeta.__init__(self, className, targetClassName) self.targetNameProps = {} self.isExplicit = False self.isNamed = True
[docs]class TargetRelationMeta(ClassMeta): """The meta data for a target object in a relationship."""
[docs] def __init__(self, className, sourceClassName): """Initialize a target relationship meta object. Args: className (str): The target Mo class name for the relationship sourceClassName (str): The source class name for the relationship """ ClassMeta.__init__(self, className) self.sourceClassName = sourceClassName self.isRelation = True self.isTarget = True
[docs] def getSourceClass(self): """Import and return the source class. Returns: The source class """ return ClassLoader.loadClass(self.sourceClassName)
[docs]class Constant(object): """A class to represent constants for properties."""
[docs] def __init__(self, const, label, value): """Initialize a constant object. Args: const (str): The constant string that can be used for the property label (str): The label for this constant value (int): The value for this constant """ self.value = value self.label = label self.const = const
[docs] def __str__(self): """Implement str().""" return self.const
[docs] def __lt__(self, other): """Implement <.""" return self.const < other.const
[docs] def __le__(self, other): """Implement <=.""" return self.const <= other.const
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): """Implement ==.""" return self.const == other.const
[docs] def __ne__(self, other): """Implement !=.""" return self.const != other.const
[docs] def __gt__(self, other): """Implement >.""" return self.const > other.const
[docs] def __ge__(self, other): """Implement >=.""" return self.const >= other.const
# pylint:disable=too-many-instance-attributes
[docs]class PropMeta(object): """The meta data for properties of managed objects. Attributes: typeClass (str): The class of the property name (str): The name of the property moPropName (str): The managed object property name id (None or int): The property id category ( The property category object help (None or str): The help string for the property label (None or str): The label for the property unit (None or str): The units the property is in defaultValue (None or str): The default value for the property isDn (bool): True if the property is a distingushed name, False otherwise isRn (bool): True if the property is a relative name, False otherwise isConfig (bool): True if the property is a configuration property, False otherwise isImplicit (bool): True if the property is implicitly defined, False otherwise isOper (bool): True if the property is an operations property, False otherwise isAdmin (bool): True if the property is an admin property, False otherwise isCreateOnly (bool): True if the property can only be set when the MO is created, False otherwise isNaming (bool): True if the property is a naming property, False otherwise isStats (bool): True if the property is a stats property, False otherwise isPassword (bool): True if the property is a password property, False otherwise needDelimiter (bool): True if the property needs delimiters, False otherwise constants (dict of A dictionary where the keys are the constants const and the values are the constants objects constsToLabels (dict): A dictionary mapping the properties constants consts to the constants label labelsToConsts (dict): A dictionary mapping the properties constants labels to the constants consts """ # pylint:disable=too-many-arguments
[docs] def __init__(self, typeClassName, name, moPropName, propId, category): """Initialize a PropMeta instance. Args: typeClassName (str): The class for the type of python object that should be used to represent this property moPropName (str): The managed object property name propId (int): The property Id number category ( The property category """ self.typeClass = typeClassName # Load this dynamically = name self.moPropName = moPropName = propId # pylint:disable=invalid-name self.category = category = None self.label = None self.unit = None self.defaultValue = None self.isDn = False self.isRn = False self.isConfig = False self.isImplicit = False self.isOper = False self.isAdmin = False self.isCreateOnly = False self.isNaming = False self.isStats = False self.isPassword = False self.needDelimiter = False self.constants = {} self.constsToLabels = {} self.labelsToConsts = {} self._validators = []
[docs] @staticmethod def makeValue(value): """ Create a property using a value. Args: value (str): The value to set the property to Returns: str: The value """ return value
[docs] def isValidValue(self, value): """Check a value against the validators in the meta. Args: value (str): The value to check Returns: bool: True if the value is valid for this property or False otherwise """ if not self._validators: return True for propValidator in self._validators: if propValidator.isValidValue(value): return True return False
def _addConstant(self, const, label, value): """Add a constant to the constants list. Args: const (str): The string that uniquely identifies the constant. label (str): The label for the constant. value: The value the const is defined to represent. """ self.constants[const] = Constant(const, label, value) self.constsToLabels[const] = label self.labelsToConsts[label] = const def _addValidator(self, validator): """Append a validator to the validators list. Not currently used. Args: validator: A validator for the property. """ self._validators.append(validator)
[docs] def __str__(self): """Implement str().""" return
[docs] def __lt__(self, other): """Implement <.""" return <
[docs] def __le__(self, other): """Implement <=.""" return <=
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): """Implement ==.""" return ==
[docs] def __ne__(self, other): """Implement !=.""" return !=
[docs] def __gt__(self, other): """Implement >.""" return >
[docs] def __ge__(self, other): """Implement >=.""" return >=
[docs] def __hash__(self): """Implement hash().""" return hash(