Source code for

# Copyright 2015 Cisco Systems, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

"""The session module for the ACI Python SDK (cobra)."""

from builtins import str     # pylint:disable=redefined-builtin
from builtins import object  # pylint:disable=redefined-builtin

    from OpenSSL.crypto import FILETYPE_PEM, load_privatekey, sign

except ImportError:

# Always import these just for tests
import os
import tempfile
import subprocess
# This is used for inline signatures only
import base64
import time
import math
import json

from .codec import XMLMoCodec, JSONMoCodec
from import RestAccess
from import (LoginRequest, ListDomainsRequest, RefreshRequest,

[docs]class AbstractSession(object): """Abstract session class. Other sessions classes should derive from this class. Attributes: secure (bool): Only used for https. If True the remote server will be verified for authenticity. If False the remote server will not be verified for authenticity - readonly timeout (int): Request timeout - readonly url (str): The APIC or fabric node URL - readonly formatType (str): The format type for the request - readonly formatStr (str): The format string for the request, either xml or json - readonly """ XML_FORMAT, JSON_FORMAT = 0, 1
[docs] def __init__(self, controllerUrl, secure, timeout, requestFormat): """Initialize an AbstractSession instance. Args: controllerURL (str): The URL to reach the controller or fabric node secure (bool): Only used for https. If True the remote server will be verified for authenticity. If False the remote server will not be verified for authenticity. timeout (int): Request timeout requestFormat (str): The format to send the request in. Valid values are xml or json. Raises: NotImplementedError: If the requestFormat is not valid """ if requestFormat not in {'xml', 'json'}: raise NotImplementedError("requestFormat should be one of: %s" % {'xml', 'json'}) self.__secure = secure self.__timeout = timeout self.__controllerUrl = controllerUrl if requestFormat == 'xml': self.__format = AbstractSession.XML_FORMAT self.__codec = XMLMoCodec() elif requestFormat == 'json': self.__format = AbstractSession.JSON_FORMAT self.__codec = JSONMoCodec() self._accessimpl = RestAccess(self)
@property def secure(self): """Get the secure value. Returns: bool: True if the certificate for remote device should be verified, False otherwise. """ return self.__secure @property def timeout(self): """Get the request timeout value. Returns: int: The time a request is allowed to take before an error is raised. """ return self.__timeout @property def url(self): """Get the URL for the remote system. Returns: str: The URl for the remote system. """ return self.__controllerUrl @url.setter def url(self, url): """Set the URL for the remote system. This is primarily used to handle redirects. Args: url (str): The URL to use for the controller. """ self.__controllerUrl = url @property def formatType(self): """Get the format type for this session. Returns: int: The format type represented as an integer """ return self.__format @property def formatStr(self): """Get the format string for this session. Returns: str: The formatType represented as a string. Currently this is either 'xml' or 'json'. """ return 'xml' if self.__format == AbstractSession.XML_FORMAT else 'json' @property def codec(self): """Get the codec being used for this session. Returns: The codec being used for this session. """ return self.__codec
[docs] def login(self): """Login to the remote server. A generic login method that should be overridden by classes that derive from this class """ pass
[docs] def logout(self): """Logout from the remote server. A generic logout method that should be overridden by classes that derive from this class """ pass
[docs] def refresh(self): """Refresh the session to the remote server. A generic refresh method that should be overridden by classes that derive from this class """ pass
[docs] def get(self, queryObject): """Perform a query using the specified queryObject. Args: queryObject( The query object to use for the query. Returns: The query response parsed into a managed object """ return self._accessimpl.get(queryObject)
[docs] def post(self, requestObject): """Perform a request using the specified requestObject. Args: requestObject( The request object to use for the request. Returns: requests.response: The raw requests response. """ return
class LoginError(Exception): """Represents exceptions that occur during logging in. These exceptions usually involve a timeout or invalid authentication parameters """ def __init__(self, errorCode, reasonStr): """Initialize a LoginError instance. Args: errorCode (int): The error code for the exception reasonStr (str): A string indicating why the exception occurred """ super(LoginError, self).__init__(reasonStr) self.error = errorCode self.reason = reasonStr def __str__(self): """Implement str().""" return self.reason # pylint:disable=too-many-instance-attributes
[docs]class LoginSession(AbstractSession): """A login session with a username and password. Note: The username and password are stored in memory. Attributes: user (str): The username to use for this session - readonly password (str): The password to use for this session - readonly cookie (str or None): The authentication cookie string for this session challenge (str or None): The authentication challenge string for this session version (str or None): The APIC software version returned once successfully logged in - readonly refreshTime (str or None): The relative login refresh time. The session must be refreshed by this time or it times out - readonly refreshTimeoutSeconds (str or None): The number of seconds for which this session is valid - readonly domains (list): A list of possible login domains. The list is only populated once getLoginDomains() is called and this method can be called prior to logging in. loginDomain (str): The login domain that should be used to login to the remote device. This is used to build a username that uses the loginDomain. banner (str): The banner set on the APIC. This is set when the getLoginDomains() method is called. secure (bool): Only used for https. If True the remote server will be verified for authenticity. If False the remote server will not be verified for authenticity - readonly timeout (int): Request timeout - readonly url (str): The APIC or fabric node URL - readonly formattype (str): The format type for the request - readonly formatStr (str): The format string for the request, either xml or json - readonly """ # pylint:disable=too-many-arguments
[docs] def __init__(self, controllerUrl, user, password, secure=False, timeout=90, requestFormat='xml'): """Initialize a LoginSession instance. Args: controllerURL (str): The URL to reach the controller or fabric node user (str): The username to use to authenticate password (str): The password to use to authenticate secure (bool): Only used for https. If True the remote server will be verified for authenticity. If False the remote server will not be verified for authenticity. timeout (int): Request timeout requestFormat (str): The format to send the request in. Valid values are xml or json. """ super(LoginSession, self).__init__(controllerUrl, secure, timeout, requestFormat) self._user = user self._password = password self._cookie = None self._challenge = None self._version = None self._refreshTime = None self._refreshTimeoutSeconds = None self._domains = [] self._banner = '' self._loginDomain = ''
@property def user(self): r"""Get the username being used for this session. This can not be changed. If you need to change the session username, instantiate a new session object. If the loginDomain is set, the username is set to: apic:<loginDomain>\\<user> Returns: str: The username for this session. """ if self.loginDomain != '' and self.loginDomain != 'DefaultAuth': return 'apic:' + str(self.loginDomain) + '\\' + self._user return self._user @property def password(self): """Get the password being used for this session. Returns: str: The session password. """ return self._password @password.setter def password(self, password): """Set the password being used for this session. Args: password (str): The password to use for this session. """ self._password = password @property def cookie(self): """Get the session cookie value. Returns: str: The value of the session cookie. """ return self._cookie @cookie.setter def cookie(self, cookie): """Set the cookie for the session. Args: cookie (str): The value to set the cookie to. """ self._cookie = cookie @property def challenge(self): """Get the challenge key value. Returns: str: The challeng key value. """ return self._challenge @challenge.setter def challenge(self, challenge): """Set the challenge key. Args: challenge (str): The value to set the challenge key to. """ self._challenge = challenge @property def version(self): """Get the version. Returns: str: The version returned by the login request. """ return self._version @property def refreshTime(self): """Get the refresh time. Returns: int: The refresh time returned by the login request. """ return self._refreshTime @property def refreshTimeoutSeconds(self): """Get the refresh timeout in seconds. Returns: int: The refresh timeout in seconds returned by the login request. """ return self._refreshTimeoutSeconds @property def domains(self): """Get the session login domains. Returns: list: The list of login domains. """ return self._domains @property def banner(self): """Get the banner. Returns: str: The banner or an empty string if the getLoginDomains method has not been called. """ return self._banner @property def loginDomain(self): """Get the loginDomain. Returns: str: The loginDomain. """ return self._loginDomain @loginDomain.setter def loginDomain(self, domain): r"""Set the loginDomain. When the loginDomain is not an empty string or 'DefaultAuth', the username of the session will be modified to: apic:<loginDomain>\\<user> Args: domain (str): The loginDomain to use when logging in. """ self._loginDomain = domain # pylint:disable=unused-argument
[docs] def getHeaders(self, uriPathAndOptions, data): """Get the HTTP headers for a given URI path and options string. Args: uriPathAndOptions (str): The full URI path including the options string data (str): The payload Returns: dict: The headers for this session class """ headers = {'Cookie': 'APIC-cookie=%s' % self.cookie} if self._challenge: headers['APIC-challenge'] = self._challenge return headers
[docs] def login(self): """Login in to the remote server (APIC or Fabric Node). Raises: LoginError: If there was an error during login or the response could not be parsed. """ loginRequest = LoginRequest(self.user, self.password) try: rsp = except RestError as ex: self._parseResponse(ex.reason) self._parseResponse(rsp)
[docs] def logout(self): """Logout of the remote server (APIC or Fabric Node). Currently this method does nothing """ pass
[docs] def getLoginDomains(self): """Get the possible login domains prior to login. The domains are returned as a list. """ domainsRequest = ListDomainsRequest() rsp = self._accessimpl.get(domainsRequest) self._parseResponse(rsp)
[docs] def refresh(self): """Refresh a session with the remote server (APIC or Fabric Node). Raises: LoginError: If there was an error when refreshing the session or the response could not be parsed. """ refreshRequest = RefreshRequest(self.cookie) rsp = self._accessimpl.get(refreshRequest) self._parseResponse(rsp)
def _parseResponse(self, rsp): """Parse a response to a LoginRequest or a RefreshRequest. Args: rsp (str): the response, currently only JSON is supported. Raises: LoginError: If there was no data found in the response, or the response could not be parsed. """ rspDict = json.loads(rsp) data = rspDict.get('imdata', None) if not data: raise LoginError(0, 'Bad Response: ' + str(rsp.text)) firstRecord = data[0] if 'error' in firstRecord: errorDict = firstRecord['error'] reasonStr = errorDict['attributes']['text'] errorCode = errorDict['attributes']['code'] raise LoginError(errorCode, reasonStr) elif 'aaaLogin' in firstRecord: cookie = firstRecord['aaaLogin']['attributes']['token'] refreshTimeoutSeconds = \ firstRecord['aaaLogin']['attributes']['refreshTimeoutSeconds'] version = firstRecord['aaaLogin']['attributes']['version'] self._cookie = cookie self._version = version self._refreshTime = (int(refreshTimeoutSeconds) + math.trunc(time.time())) self._refreshTimeoutSeconds = int(refreshTimeoutSeconds) elif 'name' in firstRecord: # Handle aaaLoginDomain response which has an odd format. self._domains = [] for domain in data: self._domains.append(domain['name']) if domain['name'] == 'DefaultAuth': self._banner = domain['guiBanner'] else: raise LoginError(0, 'Bad Response: ' + str(rsp.text))
[docs]class CertSession(AbstractSession): """A session using a certificate dn and private key to generate signatures. Attributes: certificateDn (str): The distingushed name (Dn) for the users X.509 certificate - readonly privateKey (str): The private key to use when calculating signatures. Must be paired with the private key in the X.509 certificate - readonly cookie (str or None): The authentication cookie string for this session challenge (str or None): The authentication challenge string for this session version (str or None): The APIC software version returned once successfully logged in - readonly refreshTime (str or None): The relative login refresh time. The session must be refreshed by this time or it times out - readonly refreshTimeoutSeconds (str or None): The number of seconds for which this session is valid - readonly secure (bool): Only used for https. If True the remote server will be verified for authenticity. If False the remote server will not be verified for authenticity - readonly timeout (int): Request timeout - readonly url (str): The APIC or fabric node URL - readonly formattype (str): The format type for the request - readonly formatStr (str): The format string for the request, either xml or json - readonly """ # pylint:disable=too-many-arguments
[docs] def __init__(self, controllerUrl, certificateDn, privateKey, secure=False, timeout=90, requestFormat='xml'): """Initialize a CertSession instance. Args: controllerURL (str): The URL to reach the controller or fabric node certificateDn (str): The distinguished name of the users certificate privateKey (str): The private key to be used to calculate a signature secure (bool): Only used for https. If True the remote server will be verified for authenticity. If False the remote server will not be verified for authenticity. timeout (int): Request timeout requestFormat (str): The format to send the request in. Valid values are xml or json. """ super(CertSession, self).__init__(controllerUrl, secure, timeout, requestFormat) self.__certificateDn = certificateDn self.__privateKey = privateKey
@property def certificateDn(self): """Get the certificateDn for the user for this session. Returns: str: The certifcate Dn for this session. """ return self.__certificateDn @property def privateKey(self): """Get the private key for this session. Returns: str: The private key as a string. """ return self.__privateKey
[docs] def getHeaders(self, uriPathAndOptions, data): """Get the HTTP headers for a given URI path and options string. Args: uriPathAndOptions (str): The full URI path including the options string data (str): The payload Returns: dict: The headers for this session class """ cookie = self._generateSignature(uriPathAndOptions, data) return {'Cookie': cookie}
[docs] def login(self): """login method. Not relevant for CertSession but is included for consistency. """ pass
[docs] def logout(self): """logout method. Not relevant for CertSession but is included for consistency. """ pass
[docs] def getLoginDomains(self): """The getLoginDomains method. Not (yet) relevant for CertSession but is included for consistency. """ pass
[docs] def refresh(self): """refresh method. Not relevant for CertSession but is included for consistency. """ pass
[docs] @staticmethod def runCmd(cmd): """Convenience method to run a command using subprocess. Args: cmd (str): The command to run Returns: str: The output from the command Raises: subprocess.CalledProcessError: If an non-zero return code is sent by the process """ proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, error = proc.communicate() # pylint:disable=unused-variable if proc.returncode != 0: raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(proc.returncode, " ".join(cmd), out) return out
[docs] @staticmethod def writeFile(fileName=None, mode="w", fileData=None): """Convenience method to write data to a file. Args: fileName (str): The file to write to, default = None mode (str): The write mode, default = "w" fileData (varies): The data to write to the file """ if fileName is None: return if fileData is None: fileData = "" with open(fileName, mode) as aFile: aFile.write(fileData)
[docs] @staticmethod def readFile(fileName=None, mode="r"): """Convenience method to read some data from a file. Args: fileName (str): The file to read from, default = None mode (str): The read mode, default = "r", Windows may require "rb" Returns: str: The data read from the file """ if fileName is None: return "" with open(fileName, mode) as aFile: fileData = return fileData
# this should probably be refactored at some point. # pylint:disable=too-many-locals def _generateSignature(self, uri, data, forceManual=False): """Generate a signature over the uri and data. This signature is used to authenticate with the APIC and must be calculated for each transaction because the signature is calculated using the uri and data if any. Args: uri (str): The string that represents the URI for the transaction. The uri is everything from api to the end of the options. data (str): The payload for the request that will be sent. forceManual (bool): If True, the signature will be calculated using subprocess to execute openssl commands, otherwise pyOpenSSL is used. Returns: str: A string containing the cookie that should be used in the request. """ # One global that is not changing in the rest of the file is ok global INLINE_SIGNATURE # pylint:disable=global-statement # Added for easier testing of each signature generation method if forceManual: INLINE_SIGNATURE = False privateKeyStr = str(self.privateKey) certDn = str(self.certificateDn) if uri.endswith('?'): uri = uri[:-1] uri = uri.replace('//', '/') if INLINE_SIGNATURE: if data is None: payLoad = 'GET' + uri else: payLoad = 'POST' + uri + data pkey = load_privatekey(FILETYPE_PEM, privateKeyStr) signedDigest = sign(pkey, payLoad.encode(), 'sha256') signature = base64.b64encode(signedDigest).decode() else: tmpFiles = [] tempDir = tempfile.mkdtemp() payloadFile = os.path.join(tempDir, "payload") keyFile = os.path.join(tempDir, "pkey") sigBinFile = keyFile + "_sig.bin" sigBaseFile = keyFile + "_sig.base64" if data is None: self.writeFile(payloadFile, mode="wt", fileData='GET' + uri) else: self.writeFile(payloadFile, mode="wt", fileData='POST' + uri + data) tmpFiles.append(payloadFile) self.writeFile(fileName=keyFile, mode="w", fileData=privateKeyStr) tmpFiles.append(keyFile) cmd = ["openssl", "dgst", "-sha256", "-sign", keyFile, payloadFile] cmd_out = self.runCmd(cmd) self.writeFile(fileName=sigBinFile, mode="wb", fileData=cmd_out) tmpFiles.append(sigBinFile) cmd = ["openssl", "base64", "-in", keyFile + "_sig.bin", "-e", "-out", sigBaseFile] self.runCmd(cmd) tmpFiles.append(sigBaseFile) sigBase64 = self.readFile(fileName=sigBaseFile) signature = "".join(sigBase64.splitlines()) for fileName in tmpFiles: try: os.remove(fileName) except: # pylint:disable=bare-except pass # pylint:disable=pointless-except try: os.rmdir(tempDir) except: # pylint:disable=bare-except pass # pylint:disable=pointless-except cookieFmt = ("APIC-Request-Signature=%s;" + " APIC-Certificate-Algorithm=v1.0;" + " APIC-Certificate-Fingerprint=fingerprint;" + " APIC-Certificate-DN=%s") return cookieFmt % (signature, certDn)